Posts tagged pork
Bucatini with Tomato and Meatballs

There is spaghetti with meatballs and then there is spaghetti with meatballs. You know, we all have our favorites. This is an easy recipe you can make at home that will keep you from wanting to go out! The silky sauce, the tasty meatballs, and the al dente bucatini. Is this real life?

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How to Cook The Perfect Pork Chop, Everytime

Oh, the 1950's pork chop. Cooked until tougher than shoe leather, dryer than your grandparents skin, and perhaps the least appetising meat of them all. In fact, just add a side of brownish green, mushy canned vegetables and if you're lucky a semi unrecognizable potato casserole, extra mayonnaise please, and you have a meal tempting enough for kings.

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